


 different listening 






First three parties from "Different Listening" series took place in the summer of 2003. At the third party there was a presentation of the compilation CD of the same name.

Parties took place in the following locations: «Griboedov» club, «Friday» club and «Par.spb» cultural centre.

Participants: Moonscape (Rio de Janeiro), Yadi (Rostov-na-Donu), Dreamlin (Minsk), YaD, Yellowhead, Jeune Homme, Few, DJ Jazzy Puzzles.

A flyer policy was creative this time: everybody could download the flyer (on the left), print it and color them using their own discretion. Only painted flyer gave a discount on the cover charge.

Fantasy and artistic talents of our public were rich. Here are few examples:


There was an option for the lazy - a flyer that didn't have to be colored. But it was very difficult to get, so it was only for the lucky among the lazy.

(new window)

Some photos by Andrei Dubrovsky:

For history, statistic and someone's interest sake here is a list of Different Listening summer actions with dates and other details.

June 13, 2003 The opening of the series. «Griboedov» club
Participants: Few, Yadi (Rostov-na-Donu), Dreamlin (Minsk)

June 21, 2003 More Experiments! «Planeta» club
Participants: Yellowhead, Moonscape (Rio de Janeiro), Jeune Homme

June 29, 2003 «Different Listening» compilation presentation. «Par.spb» cultural centre
Participants: YaD, Yellowhead, Jazzy Puzzles


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 different listening 

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