


 few - johnson's bricks 







Johnson's Bricks

Few - Johnson's Bricks

experimental acid jazz

13 tracks
Total time: 44:38

“Johnson’s Bricks” it the fourth LP released by Few. It has nothing in common with his first two albums (since they are stylistically closer to techno). This one almost fully absorbed “Vantuz”, Few’s third album. Thus, “Johnson’s Bricks” expresses all experiments with acid jazz that Few carried out up to 2003. Some of the tracks that are presented on this LP are familiar to listeners thanks to the “Tayniy Hod Fishki” (“Song About Love”, “La Metro”) and the “T’e” (“Vybor Knopok”) compilations.

Here’s what the author himself is saying about his album:
“This album should have turned out as stupid as all the previous ones, but here I decided to use my intellect which hasn’t been used before as one of my instruments. But my intellect wasn’t used while I was working out the tracks’names and the list of tracks. The names of the tracks partly reflect my mood and partly the difference between them. Mainly the tracks are different by names. Of course I could simplify everything, give up the names and call all the tracks by number, but not all numbers can reflect the music’s mood.

When I saw a big “Johnson” written on the wall of some building, I though that this inscription should be immortalized not only on the wall but in music too. It’s not a secret that Johnson is a main indication of the difference between men and women. I would call my album “Johnson & Johnson” but it’s already used as a trademark. That’s why I decided to increase the number of Johnsons in my tracks’ names”.

The author, who hasn’t played enough with bricks in his childhood, decided to make up a deficiency, playing with sounds, samples and people’s hearing. You should be ready to get tracks that are different and unexpected in all their terms. Yes, we’re taking responsibility by characterizing the stylistics of this album as “experimental acid jazz”, but sometimes Few in his experiments goes really far in all possible directions.

1) Like a sex machine
2) Maslopaket ¹56
3) Johnson's Clone
4) DSP-organics
5) Song about love
6) La Metro
7) Three-four
8) Vybor knopok
9) Johnson's Module-Vector
10) Klizmometor
11) Molo // feat. Ryabinin
12) 35 Oslov
13) ZPDS


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 few - johnson's bricks 

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